On May 19, 2009 Sandy “the Shouter”, Patricia "Pat" Smith and “Nasty Nina” Peltomaa – deliberated in secrecy and choose to hit us with new $251,37 special assessment. The current Board's clique of four did that after clearly promissing to us time after time and meeting after meeting there would be no new assesments. Like many times in the past, they lied to us to us to stay in power and to avoid being recalled, which is what almost 50% of the voters realy asked for!
Jonathan Kolkey, Patricia Smith, Nina Peltomaa and Sandy Kraden lied to us and they lied knowingly and repeatedly. When Board member Gerry Brace in line of his Board's duty questioned the legality of such behind-the-scene decision and asked who is authorizing payments of tens of thousands of dollars to Adrian J Adams ESQ for bogus "legal" work of "fixing" General Ledger and to bully assertive homeowners and political oponents on behalf of the four mentioned directors, without full Board’s knowledge and approval, the new Board BULLY Barry Edwards jumped quick from his seat and reached over the table in an apparent attempt to grab Gerry Brace and hurt him. Dear Barry Edwards, that is unaccepatble!
What is a bully? It is someone who takes advantage of another individual that he or she perceives as more vulnerable. The goal is to gain control over the victim or over the bully’s social group, which in this case is "The Kolkey Clan".
Barry Edwards moved to Cross Creek Village in May 2008. He quickly got involved with highly unpopular HOA manager Neda Firouz who hopped to have this young and naive combat trained soldier chaise away everyone who question her obvious mismanagement of complex and our funds. With Firouz's help Edwards got “inserted” on the Board where he quickly begun bossing people out and showing his aggressive nature. During May 19, 2009 Board meeting, Barry threatened Gerry Brace and attempted to fight this gentlman outside like this was Mazary Sharif or Kamp Nuthouse or similar. In front of the witnesses Barry Edwards was heard shouting: “Lets get to the shed and I show you who is right”.
In the next moment the brave soldier Barry L. Edwards was now seen threatening half of his size senior citizen. Barry L. Edwards agressive posture, body language and shaking of fist at 74 year old resident Peter Bruner did not leave anything to one's imagination. If there was no people stopping Berry in between, Barry would almost certainly assault both Gerry and Peter. Big and strong women Nina Peltomma was instrumental in stopping out of control Barry Edwards. She grabed and pulled him down to prevent fighting. Later, "NASTY NINA - A.K.A. THE TREASURER" lied with no shame saying "nothing happend". This clique of four power grabers has no credibility and cannot be trusted. As we learned earlier, Kolkey Clan's key member and money handler Nina Peltomaa lack knowledge and integrity and is someone who we cannot trust with our checkbook!
Many believe that Barry’s sense of reality and emotional control may have been negatively affected by his combat routine to engage and terminate enemy. If this is the case, Mr. Edwards should be perceived as very dangerous, should seek professional help and enroll in anger management program or similar.
The reason why unelected board member Berry Edwardsfeels free to threaten peaceful Board member Gerry Brace and homeowner Peter Brunner is because Berry is programmed to hate/dislike certain people. WHO programed Barry Edwards? "NASTY NINA PELTOMAA", PATRICIA "PAT" SMITH (6yr on the Board) and, "shouting miracle from building C" SANDY KRADEN, Barry's Cross Creek Village HOA Board "Commanders".
These three treacherous women are outright troublesome! Everyone who lived here for sometime knows that these three acting as clique remain on Board only by interfering and blocking the good guys' ability to be elected and to serve this community. For this and other good reasons SANDY, PAT and "NASTY NINA" should not be reelected. Let them invite their harasser friend "lawyer" Adams to their homes and offer him to help himslef to their personal founds, NOT OURS!
SANDY, NINA and PAT SMITH manipulation and programming of naive combat trained military man Berry Edwards as their boogie-man is flat out outrageous.
These three dangerous women are often seeking upper hand over other homeowners by employing other known bully, harasser and intimidator of homeowners Adrian J Adams ESQ at $300/hr. PATRICIA, NINA AND SANDY don't care what it cost, it's NOT their money - IT"S YOURS! At last,they now use a military trained Bully Barry L. Edwards who apparently got on his hands some serious anger management problem.
Barry Edwards known outbursts of Anti-Semitism and hate for foreigners did not go unnoticed. Berry Edwards is asked to keep distance and stay away from Board member Gerry Brace's and Peter’s residence and their place of work. Because of his unaceptable conduct Barry L. Edwards is asked to resign his Board position. Under no circumstance CCV Board position is to be held by an Physical and Highly Aggressive Bully who thretens 70+ seniors in our peaceful community.
Mr. Edward’s behavior is closely watched. If he doesn’t comply with this instruction, threatened parties will seek TRO against him - a court issued restraining order to shore Mr. Edwards’s aggression. Furthermore, his superior at the military might be contacted in search for a peaceful resolution. Residents are also encouraged to report any further incidents involving Barry L. Edwards to our office and LAPD.
Jonathan Kolkey, Patricia Smith, Nina Peltomaa and Sandy Kraden lied to us and they lied knowingly and repeatedly. When Board member Gerry Brace in line of his Board's duty questioned the legality of such behind-the-scene decision and asked who is authorizing payments of tens of thousands of dollars to Adrian J Adams ESQ for bogus "legal" work of "fixing" General Ledger and to bully assertive homeowners and political oponents on behalf of the four mentioned directors, without full Board’s knowledge and approval, the new Board BULLY Barry Edwards jumped quick from his seat and reached over the table in an apparent attempt to grab Gerry Brace and hurt him. Dear Barry Edwards, that is unaccepatble!
What is a bully? It is someone who takes advantage of another individual that he or she perceives as more vulnerable. The goal is to gain control over the victim or over the bully’s social group, which in this case is "The Kolkey Clan".
Barry Edwards moved to Cross Creek Village in May 2008. He quickly got involved with highly unpopular HOA manager Neda Firouz who hopped to have this young and naive combat trained soldier chaise away everyone who question her obvious mismanagement of complex and our funds. With Firouz's help Edwards got “inserted” on the Board where he quickly begun bossing people out and showing his aggressive nature. During May 19, 2009 Board meeting, Barry threatened Gerry Brace and attempted to fight this gentlman outside like this was Mazary Sharif or Kamp Nuthouse or similar. In front of the witnesses Barry Edwards was heard shouting: “Lets get to the shed and I show you who is right”.
In the next moment the brave soldier Barry L. Edwards was now seen threatening half of his size senior citizen. Barry L. Edwards agressive posture, body language and shaking of fist at 74 year old resident Peter Bruner did not leave anything to one's imagination. If there was no people stopping Berry in between, Barry would almost certainly assault both Gerry and Peter. Big and strong women Nina Peltomma was instrumental in stopping out of control Barry Edwards. She grabed and pulled him down to prevent fighting. Later, "NASTY NINA - A.K.A. THE TREASURER" lied with no shame saying "nothing happend". This clique of four power grabers has no credibility and cannot be trusted. As we learned earlier, Kolkey Clan's key member and money handler Nina Peltomaa lack knowledge and integrity and is someone who we cannot trust with our checkbook!
Many believe that Barry’s sense of reality and emotional control may have been negatively affected by his combat routine to engage and terminate enemy. If this is the case, Mr. Edwards should be perceived as very dangerous, should seek professional help and enroll in anger management program or similar.
The reason why unelected board member Berry Edwardsfeels free to threaten peaceful Board member Gerry Brace and homeowner Peter Brunner is because Berry is programmed to hate/dislike certain people. WHO programed Barry Edwards? "NASTY NINA PELTOMAA", PATRICIA "PAT" SMITH (6yr on the Board) and, "shouting miracle from building C" SANDY KRADEN, Barry's Cross Creek Village HOA Board "Commanders".
These three treacherous women are outright troublesome! Everyone who lived here for sometime knows that these three acting as clique remain on Board only by interfering and blocking the good guys' ability to be elected and to serve this community. For this and other good reasons SANDY, PAT and "NASTY NINA" should not be reelected. Let them invite their harasser friend "lawyer" Adams to their homes and offer him to help himslef to their personal founds, NOT OURS!
SANDY, NINA and PAT SMITH manipulation and programming of naive combat trained military man Berry Edwards as their boogie-man is flat out outrageous.
These three dangerous women are often seeking upper hand over other homeowners by employing other known bully, harasser and intimidator of homeowners Adrian J Adams ESQ at $300/hr. PATRICIA, NINA AND SANDY don't care what it cost, it's NOT their money - IT"S YOURS! At last,they now use a military trained Bully Barry L. Edwards who apparently got on his hands some serious anger management problem.
Barry Edwards known outbursts of Anti-Semitism and hate for foreigners did not go unnoticed. Berry Edwards is asked to keep distance and stay away from Board member Gerry Brace's and Peter’s residence and their place of work. Because of his unaceptable conduct Barry L. Edwards is asked to resign his Board position. Under no circumstance CCV Board position is to be held by an Physical and Highly Aggressive Bully who thretens 70+ seniors in our peaceful community.
Mr. Edward’s behavior is closely watched. If he doesn’t comply with this instruction, threatened parties will seek TRO against him - a court issued restraining order to shore Mr. Edwards’s aggression. Furthermore, his superior at the military might be contacted in search for a peaceful resolution. Residents are also encouraged to report any further incidents involving Barry L. Edwards to our office and LAPD.
Jonathan Kolkey Clan,
The Board Clique