David A. McGrath.... AGAIN! A credible new report came from the source close to CCV office alleging David A. McGrath is up to his old tricks and has LIED AGAIN to CCV homeowners in November 2009 Newsletter, where he said:

“Effective immediately, I have instituted a moratorium on spending; exceptions are allowed for life safety issues and emergencies.”

THIS IS NOT TRUE!  Right at that time, David engaged HOA in a unecessary new lawsuit, which cost the association a ton of money, thanks to his personal vendettas.   -  "Inasmuch that David defies all of us, and is abusing the office (e.g. by hiring and signing contracts with friends in violation of CCV Policy and Bylaws, without countersignature of the Board's Secretary), David McGrath lacks the authority to “institute” anything without the Board's approval. " - Says received Report!

To circumvent our Bylaws, David acts perfidiously Behind the back of the Board and has stepped up check writing to an attorney (Raymond Szu) with whom, we heard, David made a deal to have him support his vendettas at homeowner's $$$. "This is inappropriate David McGrath, you must STOP abusing the office . STOP bringing in and overpaying your friend janitor ...what's his name, Chris?", David  was recently admonished in public.  - In November and December alone David aranged the payments to Raymond Szu, in the $14,000 range, asking him to file costly motions, which is the same type of  squandering Pat Smith was doing with Adrian J Adams, Esq !!!- IF we are to recover, we cannot have dishonest Board Members bringing buddies to work here, and that’s what David is seemingly doing by overpaying friends to get them to share some profit with him.

These are the checks (miss)used for that purpose:

                    Check #            0003142         $3,645.00
                    Check #            0003145         $2,000.00
                    Check #            0003200         $7,987.50
                                                                 $13, 632. 50

Fact that these checks were issued without proper Board approval duly raises very serious concerns.  Why is HOA treasurer going along with this inaproriate act? If this is true, the Board have lost control of our money and is letting check holders write the checks to whoever and whenever they wish, without deliberating underlining issues and voting to legitimize each of the new expenditures, which is the legal standard.

We urge the Board to STOP DAVID'S ABUSE and investigate his habit of hiring friends as vendors and check writing practice to same people, which in order to get on our payroll, David allegedly missrepresented as "Cheep" to the Board of directors !!!  

We like to thank Mark Montgomery for his efforts to keep the public informed. Mark, we like your blue font, keep the messages comming. Please email the alliance the check numbers and amounts paid to David's vendor Chris (janitor)!!.  - David and the Board treasurer could not be reach for comments. Nevertheless, both of them are invited to post  here or send email to explain this alarming behavior!

It is interesting how people have double standards and are not even ashamed about that. Several months ago our treasurer was very adamant about firing Dana, our office assistant because she was less then truthful … OK , the lady lies so what? You are seating on the Board with the big liar and you are not bother with that… please explain, dear Lady Treasurer, why do you have “double standards”?

Mark is right! David and his cosigner could and should be held responsible to return our money to the association's bank account, if in fact, it is determine that payments they initiated did not come with proper approval of the Board of Directors and that is what we were informed.


  1. Anonymous1:47 AM

    The rest of the Board members must be very stupid when they let David McGrath sign checks to his own vendors. The times are tough but there is no explanation for stealing, one way or the other.

  2. Anonymous12:57 AM

    The Board Members are “gate keepers” who should make sure that interest of the homeowners
    comes first and before the personal interest of the Board Members such as David McGrath, who happened to “work hard” only to
    see, as the final result, his (or her) pockets lined with HOA money.

  3. Anonymous10:10 AM

    If this Board approves David's contractors, through Ron Culver or in any other way, this Board should be Recalled as they obviously don’t watch over homeowner’s interest!

  4. Anonymous10:17 AM

    What’s wrong with this people serving on this Board? Honestly, how many Board Members couldn't see through the “up-selling” scheme of the Architect during themeeting the other day in January?

    The Architect wants to bid on ALL our jobs, which is to last two years [his words]? At last, it was funny to see how David left the meeting early to avoid being there when his salesman Ron Culver begun selling “blanket contract”.

    Look like this; Can we trust that man? Cross Creek already paid him $15,000. Did we get any drawings from Mr. Ron Culver, which we may file with Building Department and obtain at least some permits? NO? Then what did we get for $15,000 if not an “up-selling” salesman story in which Ron Culver is trying to bring in his contractors?

    We need sealed biding process where bids will come in FedEx envelop which will not eb opened before the meeting on which the decision will be made.

  5. Anonymous10:19 AM

    David is an opportunist who cannot and may not be trusted.
